VOLUME 1 , ISSUE 2 ( July-December, 2017 ) > List of Articles
Jasleen Kaur, Karuna Thapar, Simplepreet Kaur, Riya K Kalra
Keywords : Angioma serpiginosum, Bilateral distribution, Dermoscopy
Citation Information : Kaur J, Thapar K, Kaur S, Kalra RK. Angioma Serpiginosum in Bilateral Distribution in a Male Child: A Rare Entity with Unusual Presentation. Curr Trends Diagn Treat 2017; 1 (2):94-95.
DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10055-0022
License: NA
Published Online: 01-12-2017
Copyright Statement: NA
Angioma serpiginosum is a rare benign vascular condition which is characterized by the presence of multiple, minute, erythematous angiomatous macules or patches present in linear blaschkoid, gyrate, or serpiginous patterns. It usually affects lower extremities and buttocks. Involvement of upper trunk and extremities is rare. Histologically, there is dilatation of blood vessels in papillary dermis. Dermoscopic findings reveal presence of oval-to-round red lagoons. It shows female preponderance. Hence, we report a rare case of angioma serpiginosum in a male child with bilateral distribution.