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Chaudhary R, Singh P M, Mahajan A, Lalit M, Khurana BS. Identification of Common Morphological Lip Patterns in North Indian Population and their Role in Forensic Investigations. Curr Trends Diagn Treat 2018; 2 (1):28-31.
Introduction: A series of Forensic odontological studies on lip patterns form an important weapon for personal identification and may constitute a source of circumstantial evidence. Chieloscopy, i.e., study of lip prints which are unique for every individual and remain unchanged forever can be used successfully in the field of forensic science for personal identification. This study was carried out to determine the common lip pattern, their variations in males and females and their role in the identification of an individual in forensic investigations.
Materials and methods: The study was conducted on 300 North Indians (150 males and 150 females respectively) the age group of 17-60 in the Department of Forensic Medicine, Shri Guru Ram Das Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Amritsar. A pencil lipstick of the same color and make was applied with a single motion evenly on the lips. Cardboard bearing a 4”x 10” strip of thin bond paper was then pressed to the subject's lips, and lip prints were obtained and later studied with the help of a magnifying lens.
Observations and Results: Lip prints were divided into four quadrants and recognized as per Suzuki and Tsuchihashi’ classification. Type I (30.33 %) and Type III (35.41%) were found most prevalent in males and females respectively while Type I’ was least prevalent in males (4.33%) as well as in females (0.41%). The lip patterns remained stable over a period of one year.
Conclusion: Because of unique patterns, the lip prints can be used as an important tool index determination and personal identification in forensic science.
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