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Kaur M, Charan GS, Selvi T. Parents’ Satisfaction Concerning Their Children's Care at Tertiary Hospital. Curr Trends Diagn Treat 2019; 3 (1):18-22.
Introduction: Hospitalization of children is painful for both children and their parents. Patient's satisfaction is defined as patient's attitude toward and decision about the degree of fulfilling their proclivity and assumptions by healthcare providers. Materials and methods: An exploratory study on factors affecting parental satisfaction regarding care of children admitted to the Pediatric Department of SGRD Hospital, Amritsar, Punjab, India. Convenience sampling technique was employed to obtain a sample of 100 parents residing at pediatric department through interview schedule. The data were analyzed using SPSS software version 17. Descriptive statistics was used to determine mean and percentages. In inferential statistics, Chi-square test was used for association. Results: The study results showed that 69.0% parents were satisfied and 31.0% were more satisfied. The domain-wise findings show that parents’ satisfaction regarding admission criteria is 67.0%, hospital environment 86.0%, patient care 77.0%, and communication/information 53.0%. Conclusion: This study suggests that parents were satisfied and very satisfied with the treatment and care provided to their children during hospitalization at SGRD Hospital. However, some components need to be considered to increase and maintain the high satisfaction level, i.e., friendly communication/information with parents.
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