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VOLUME 4 , ISSUE 1 ( January-June, 2020 ) > List of Articles


Dermatoscopic Evaluation of Nail Patterns in Rare Papulosquamous Skin Disorders: A Diagnostic Bonanza

Jasleen Kaur, Harkanwal K Sekhon

Citation Information : Kaur J, Sekhon HK. Dermatoscopic Evaluation of Nail Patterns in Rare Papulosquamous Skin Disorders: A Diagnostic Bonanza. Curr Trends Diagn Treat 2020; 4 (1):11-16.

DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10055-0089

License: CC BY-NC 4.0

Published Online: 16-06-2020

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2020; The Author(s).


Aim and objective: To dermatoscopically evaluate the specific nail patterns in rare papulosquamous disorders. Materials and methods: The present descriptive and observational study was conducted on seven patients with skin biopsy-proven Darier's disease, lichen striatus (LS), and pityriasis rubra pilaris (PRP) selected by stobe randomization. All the patients were first evaluated clinically for nail pattern changes and then dermatoscopy of nails was performed using both wet and dry techniques. The difference in both observations was then analyzed. Results: The specific nail patterns in Darier's disease were found to be longitudinal and transverse ridging and V-shaped nicking with onycholysis and alternating red and white lines. The nail patterns of LS include nail plate thinning fragmentation with splinter hemorrhages. The PRP patient showed nail plate thickening and distal brown discoloration of the nail plate. Conclusion: The dermatoscope has come out as a noninvasive useful tool for subsurface, nail bed changes, and chromonychias where clinical examination alone is not sufficient. Clinical significance: As these rare disorders present with specific nail patterns, knowledge of these nail patterns can aid in diagnosis.

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