Citation Information :
Joshi C, Saleem A, Khare V, Saifi D, Naren S, Saifi AM. Comparison and Evaluation of Efficacy of Soft Splint, Transcutaneous Electric Nerve Stimulation and Ultrasound in Temporomandibular Disorders. Curr Trends Diagn Treat 2021; 5 (2):71-79.
Introduction: Myalgia is easy to diagnose and difficult to treat. There are various treatment modalities which include use of analgesics, hard splint, surgery, etc.
Methodology: The present study aimed to compare and evaluate the efficacy of ultrasound, TENS, and splint in patients with myalgia. A total of 33 patients were included in the study. Three groups were made. Group I consisted of 11 patients of ultrasound, group II had 11 patients of TENS, and group III had 11 patients of soft splint. Pain, muscle tenderness, and mouth opening were the parameters for the study. Pain and muscle tenderness were measured on VAS and mouth opening was measured using vernier calliper. Patients coming with pain in facial area were randomly allocated into three groups. Ultrasound and TENS therapy were given for the period of 1 week and splint therapy for 1 month. Patients with splint were asked to wear splint at night to check for any parafunctional activity for a period of 1 month.
Results: Follow-up was done on 0th day, 7th day, 30th day, and 90th day. Results showed that 80% of patients in ultrasound group were relieved of pain when compared to TENS (45%) and splint (36%). The efficacy of ultrasound in alleviating pain is highest on 30th day when compared to TENS and splint.
Conclusion: Thus with the present study it can definitely be concluded that ultrasound, TENS, and splint can be the choice of treatment in treating patients with pain in facial muscles.
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