Role of Artificial Intelligence in Diagnosis and Treatment of Various Medical Diseases in Patients
Rahat Kumar, Avlokita Sharma, Pratyush Sharma, Richa Thaman
Citation Information :
Kumar R, Sharma A, Sharma P, Thaman R. Role of Artificial Intelligence in Diagnosis and Treatment of Various Medical Diseases in Patients. Curr Trends Diagn Treat 2021; 5 (2):92-98.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is defined as the capability of a machine to imitate intelligent human behavior in general. With a tremendous rise in computer capability the artificial intelligence by using various algorithms is helpful in helping medical experts for better diagnosis and treatment. Humans’ mind first plans a goal and then requires AI to achieve this goal through supervised and unsupervised learning. The various algorithms used in AI are the artificial neural network, k-nearest neighbor, support vector machine, decision trees, regression analysis classifiers, Bayesian network, random forest, discriminant analysis. AI has various benefits as in breast cancer diagnosis and staging in whole-slide images histopathology study on lung adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma patients, faster interpretation, and diagnosis in the medical fields in quick diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular disorders, psychiatric disorders, gastroenterology, surgery, ophthalmology, etc. The more useful is the interpretation and planning of the regimens for cancer diagnosis and treatment. However, AI lacks holistic approach of management and so can never replace treatment by humane methods but AI can be a useful supplement for doctors for planning therapeutics.
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