Background: Peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR) is an efficient measure of effort-dependent airflow. It is easier to perform and can be carried out in the field using a portable instrument. This study was done to evaluate the effect of various anthropometric parameters like age, height, weight, body mass index (BMI), and body surface area (BSA) of PEFR in healthy elderly female subjects and differences in urban and rural areas, and to establish local reference standards. Materials and methods: The PEFR was measured in 67 urban and 50 rural female subjects in the age group of above 65 years of Amritsar district with the help of a mini Wright peak flow meter in a standing position. The best out of three trials were recorded. Its correlation with age and various anthropometric parameters was calculated. Results: The mean PEFR was highest in the age group 65–74 years for both urban and rural females and it decreased as age increased. The correlation of PEFR with age was negative and highly significant (HS). The correlation of PEFR with age was negative and HS. Correlation with height was a positive and significant correlation with height and a non-significant correlation with weight, BMI, and BSA. The value of PEFR in urban and rural female subjects was found to be similar and the difference was non-significant.
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